01242 500860 info@tivoli.legal

Can I move house?

Yes, you can. All Equity Release Council approved plans provide for you to be able to move home, transferring the equity release charge to your new home. There are lender restrictions over which type of properties are acceptable, and you may be required to repay some...

Do you pay monthly interest on an Equity Release loan?

There are many different products on the market and, depending on your circumstances and wishes your financial adviser will source the most suitable product for your needs. Some products do provide for monthly interest payments, which have the advantage of ensuring...

Can I rent my house if I have an Equity Release loan on it?

No, you cannot, unless you have a buy to let equity release. The terms and conditions are for the applicants’ sole use as their home (save for BTL/Holiday home specific equity release products). You can, with the lender’s prior agreement have permanent ‘Occupiers’ but...

Can I get an Equity Release on my holiday home?

Provided your property is within the UK some lenders do have holiday home equity release products. There will be specific requirements that the lender has relating to the loan. Please enquire with your Financial Adviser as to availability and suitability. Once your...
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